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The language of Cortina d’Ampezzo is a dialect belonging to the Dolomite Ladin area with numerous derivations, including those of the Celts and Rhaetians, as well as Latin from the Imperial Roman period.

Since 1920, a flag has also represented the Ladin people, designed in the colours of the nature of the valleys: the green of the forests and meadows, the white of the snow and Dolomite rocks, the blue of the sky.

U.L.d'A. (Union de i Ladis de Anpezo)

This is the cultural association that defends and enhances the original traditions of Cortina d’Ampezzo, in particular the protection and development of the language, customs, traditions and all that has tied and still ties the Ampezzo community to its roots. Founded in 1975, it is part of the Unione Generale di Ladins dla Dolomites, which brings together the different communities of the five Ladin valleys in the Dolomites: Ampezzo, Val Badia, Val di Fassa, Val Gardena, Fodom.

U.L.d'A. (Union de i Ladis de Anpezo)

É l’associazione culturale che difende e valorizza le tradizioni originarie di Cortina d’Ampezzo, in particolare la tutela e lo sviluppo della lingua, i costumi, le tradizioni e quanto ha legato e lega ancora oggi la comunità ampezzana alle sue radici. 

Fondata nel 1975, fa parte dell’Unione Generale di Ladins dla Dolomites, che riunisce le diverse comunità delle cinque valli ladine delle Dolomiti: Ampezzo, Val Badia, Val di Fassa, Val Gardena, Fodom.

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